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K- 07 45 00 73

Spring plunger with dampingsuction pad c
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Product details for

K- 07 45 00 73

Vacuum port
M 3 female
33.5 mm


  • spring plunger with high-strength steel rod, guide sleeve and lower damping spring 
  • plunger rod with integrated vacuum guide 
Spring travel
  • 5 mm
  • handling of work pieces with differing heights (e.g. curved metal sheets) 
  • handling of very sensitive work pieces, very soft landing is ensured 
Temp. max.
  • 80 °C
Temp. min.
  • 0 °C
Connection suction pad
  • M 3 female 
Customs tariff number
  • 84879090 
All characteristics


Further information on request.
Suitable for all round or oval suction pads in our standard range.

Product variants

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