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OR 23-3

O-ring 23x3 NBR 70SH
23 mm
29 mm
3 mm
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OR 21-1 OR 21-1.5 OR 21-2 OR 21-2.5 OR 21-3 OR 21-3.5 OR 21-4 OR 21-6 OR 21.3-3.6 OR 21.5-1 OR 21.5-1.5 OR 21.5-2 OR 21.5-2.4 OR 21.5-2.5 OR 21.5-3 OR 21.59-5.33 OR 21.6-2.4 OR 21.82-3.53 OR 21.89-2.62 OR 21.95-1.78 OR 22-1 OR 22-1.5 OR 22-1.6 OR 22-1.8 OR 22-2 OR 22-2.5 OR 22-3 OR 22-3.5 OR 22-4 OR 22-4.5 OR 22-5 OR 22-5.5 OR 22-6 OR 22.1-1.6 OR 22.2-3 OR 22.22-2.62 OR 22.22-3.5 OR 22.3-2.4 OR 22.5-1 OR 22.5-1.5 OR 22.5-2 OR 22.5-2.5 OR 22.5-3 OR 23-1 OR 23-1.5 OR 23-1.75 OR 23-2 OR 23-2.5 OR 23-3 OR 23-3.5 OR 23-3.6 OR 23-4 OR 23-5 OR 23-6 OR 23.16-5.34 OR 23.3-2.4 OR 23.4-3.53 OR 23.47-2.62 OR 23.47-2.95 OR 23.5-1 OR 23.5-1.5 OR 23.5-2 OR 23.5-2.5 OR 23.5-3 OR 23.5-6 OR 23.53-1.78 OR 24-1 OR 24-1.5 OR 24-2 OR 24-2.5 OR 24-3 OR 24-3.5 OR 24-4 OR 24-6 OR 24.2-3 OR 24.3-2.4 OR 24.5-1 OR 24.5-1.5 OR 24.5-2 OR 24.5-2.5 OR 24.5-3 OR 24.6-2.4 OR 24.6-3.6 OR 24.77-5.34 OR 24.99-3.53 OR 25-1 OR 25-1.5 OR 25-2 OR 25-2.4 OR 25-2.5 OR 25-3 OR 25-3.5 OR 25-3.55 OR 25-4 OR 25-4.5 OR 25-5 OR 25-6 OR 25.07-2.62 OR 25.1-1.6 OR 25.12-1.78 OR 25.2-3 OR 25.3-2.4 OR 25.5-1.5 OR 25.5-2 OR 25.5-2.5 OR 25.5-3 OR 25.8-3.53 OR 26-1 OR 26-1.5 OR 26-2 OR 26-2.5 OR 26-3 OR 26-3.5 OR 26-4 OR 26-5 OR 26-6 OR 26.2-3 OR 26.34-5.34 OR 26.5-1.5 OR 26.5-2 OR 26.5-2.5 OR 26.5-3 OR 26.58-3.53 OR 26.64-2.62 OR 26.7-1.78 OR 27-1.5 OR 27-2 OR 27-2.5 OR 27-3 OR 27-3.5 OR 27-4 OR 27-5 OR 27-6 OR 27.1-1.6 OR 27.2-3 OR 27.3-2.4 OR 27.4-3.53 OR 27.5-1.5 OR 27.5-2 OR 27.5-2.5 OR 27.5-3 OR 27.5-3.2 OR 27.7-3.5 OR 27.8-3.6 OR 27.94-5.34 OR 28-1 OR 28-1.5 OR 28-2 OR 28-2.5 OR 28-3 OR 28-3.5 OR 28-4 OR 28-4.5 OR 28-5 OR 28-6 OR 28.17-3.53 OR 28.25-2.62 OR 28.3-1.78 OR 28.39-3.53 OR 28.5-2 OR 28.5-2.5 OR 29-1.5 OR 29-2 OR 29-2.5 OR 29-3 OR 29-3.5 OR 29-4 OR 29-5 OR 29-6 OR 29.1-1.6 OR 29.1-2.55 OR 29.2-3 OR 29.3-3.6 OR 29.5-1.5 OR 29.5-2 OR 29.5-2.5 OR 29.5-3 OR 29.51-5.34 OR 29.75-3.53 OR 29.82-2.62 OR 29.87-1.78 OR 30-1 OR 30-1.2 OR 30-1.5 OR 30-1.8 OR 30-2 OR 30-2.5 OR 30-2.65 OR 30-3 OR 30-3.5 OR 30-4 OR 30-4.5 OR 30-5 OR 30-6 OR 30.5-2 OR 30.5-2.5 OR 30.5-3
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Productdetails over

OR 23-3

23 mm
29 mm
3 mm


  • O-ring 
  • NBR 70 Shore A 
Temp. max.
  • 100 °C
Temp. min.
  • -30 °C
Customs tariff number
  • 40169300 
Alle eigenschappen


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