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SKS 13 IR F SN74

Push-in coupling male SN74 IGR1/2"
Connecting thread
G 1/2″ -14 
Mineral oil temp. max.
90 °C
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Product details for

SKS 13 IR F SN74

Connecting thread
G 1/2″ -14
Mineral oil temp. max.
90 °C
Mineral oil temp. min.
-40 °C
SF gek.*
Working pressure
250 bar
All characteristics


  • general application, e.g. in industry, construction machinery, agricultural technology etc. 
Connection 1
  • BSPP female thread, parallel 
Construction type
  • Snap-tite series 74 
  • steel 
  • electro galvanised 
Customs tariff number
  • 84812010 
All characteristics


Flat seal plug-in coupling for minimal oil leakages and air admittance when coupling.
For a high flow with minimal pressure loss.
Suitable for use in environmentally sensitive areas.
Further information
The indicated working pressure refers to the coupling only and is dependent on the selected connection types.

Product variants

2 Results
Show dimensional drawing
Connecting thread
Mineral oil temp. max. (°C)
Mineral oil temp. min. (°C)
Price / items
DN = nominal diameter, nominal width
SF gek. = safety factor coupled

Column selection

Connecting thread
Mineral oil temp. max. (°C)
Mineral oil temp. min. (°C)
SF gek.*
Working pressure (bar)
DN = nominal diameter, nominal width
SF gek. = safety factor coupled